18 Tangos, Salsas & more for the Recorder


Artikelnummer: SBF13e Kategorien: ,


Book: approx. DIN A4, 60 pages
Online: all sounds for the songs, videos, downloads – web address in the book
Language: english
Ideal for: beginners and sligthly advanced players

For soprano or tenor recorder in baroque fingering.

Songbook with 18 Tangos, Salsas and more songs from related genres – simply notated for the Soprano or Tenor Recorder with baroque fingering.Each tone of the melodie is shown with fingering images for the recorder, these are placed under the classical music notation.
The sounds of the songs are available online in a sound player with adjustable playback speed.
Videos explain how to read music, download files with the recorder fingerings are also available online. Overlong songs are also available as a PDF download – no more scrolling necessary. Web address and access data in the book.

Songlist: Adios Muchachos! / Borboleta Pequenina / Cielto Lindo / El Choclo / El Dia Que Me Quieras / El Manisero / El condor pasa / El cucu / El robalo / El tortillero / La Cucaracha / La Golondrina / Maria Elena / Mi chacra / Por una Cabeza / Tico Tico (No Fuba) / Una tarde fresquita de mayo / Volver

Sound sample:

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