30 Songs by Stephen C. Foster for the Recorder



eBook: ePub Format – 5,7mb
Online: all sounds for the songs, videos, downloads – web address in the book
Language: english
Ideal for: beginners and sligthly advanced players

For soprano or tenor recorder in baroque fingering.

Stephen Collins Foster (1826-1864) was an American composer and probably the best-known songwriter of the time. Many of his compositions – above all: Camptown Races, Oh Susanna and Beautiful Dreamer – are still known today and are an integral part of the US-American culture.

This songbook for the recorder uses classic musical notation plus graphics for the fingerings on each song. In addition, the lyrics and the recordings of the songs – melody with backing band and backing band alone (“playalong”) – help in learning the songs. With the (sung) lyrics and the sounds, well-known songs can be worked out even without knowledge of classical music notation.
However, an overview of the note values in the book as well as related videos help to recognize the note values (and thus the rhythm) and, together with the graphics of the flute fingerings, to play unknown songs in a short time.

Song list: Ah! May the red rose live alway! / Beautiful Dreamer / Better Times are coming / Camptown Races / Down among the Cane-Brakes / Gentle Annie / Gentle Lena Clare / Hard times come again no more / If you’ve only got a Moustache / Jeanie with the light brown hair / Maggie by my side / Massa’s in de cold ground / My old Kentucky Home / My wife is a most knowing woman / Nelly was a Lady / Oh Susanna / Old Black Joe / Old dog Tray / Old Folks at Home / Ring, ring the Banjo / Some Folks / Thats what’s the matter / The Glendy Burk / The Song of all Songs / The Village Maiden / The voices that are gone / There are a plenty of fish in the sea / Thou art the Queen of my Song / Way down in Ca-i-ro / When this dreadful war is ended

Sound sample:

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